Saturday 7 August 2010

Want To Commemorate Your Kid With A Tattoo?

By Lily Rose

More and more parents are choosing to commemorate their offspring with not just a baby book, a simple photograph but with something more permanent...a tattoo.

Here are 10 unique ways to commemorate your kid with skin and ink.

A Foot Tattoo Baby feet are just so incredibly cute. Tiny, soft and adorable, the foot imprint is a popular way to keep as a memory of how tiny your baby once was. Generally these imprints are done on paper or clay but occasionally the parent wants something a bit more permanent like this foot, with name, tattoo.

The Hand Tattoo If feet aren't your thing, you can get your kids handprints on your body. It's like the child got into an inkwell, soaked their paws and gave Daddy a great big push. Then the proud Dad went to their local tattoo parlor to have the moment saved for prosperity.

The Portrait Tattoo of your kid Portrait tattoos are tricky. In the right hands they can be the spitting image of the honoree, in others...not so much. But if that's the risk you're up for taking, then it is all you. Regardless, when the child hits the independent pre-teen years the tattoo of them as a baby on your arm will probably embarrass the bejesus out of them.

Portrait of Someone Else's Kid If you don't have kids, or are not that fond of your own, get a tattoo of someone else's kid. We know of one dad who opted to get a tattoo of Angelina Jolie's son Maddox on their body.

A Portrait of your Kid's Self Portraits Charming, sweet and whimsical, these tattoos of your kid's self portraits can be an artistic, impressionistic memory of your child's early years. The Bonus points come if your kid has actual talent.

The Baby Was Here Tattoo For those who really loved being pregnant and wished that there was a little one in (or in this case- on) your belly forever, some tattoos pays homage to fertility and the ability of the body to create bones and a being. ..with a baby tattooed on the belly.

A 'I really like my kid's name' Tattoo If you are familiar with the 3rd season of Project Runway, then the neck of Jeffrey Sebelia wil be very familiar to you. His tattoo covered neck shows an homage to his infant. His son's name is boldly etched onto his neck. The poor kid, every time he talks to his dad he'll have to see his name looking back at him.

The 'I have not 1 but 6 to honor' Tattoo If you have more than one or two kids, getting something like a portrait of each would be pretty confining space wise. Getting something a bit more subtle in style and space would be a much better decision. Angelina Jolie has tattooed the map coordinates of where each of her children were born which spans three continents.

Portrait of Your Kid's Favorite Toy Maybe it's a stuffed animal or a favorite dolly or a My Little Pony. You can pay tribute to your child's favorite toy instead of just the child themselves...with a tattoo. This tattoo makes a fabulous conversation piece at the playground.

The Keep Your Kid Busy Tattoo tTttoos can be a cool way to merely commemorate your child, but how about one that will actually keep them busy? Now that's some double duty skin art for sure. Someone got a connect the dots tattoo that when all the dots are combined turns into a cute giraffe. This is a perfect way for little Jimmy or Janie to pass the time while in line at the five and dime.

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