Wednesday 18 August 2010

Safety Tips To Look For If You're Getting A Tattoo

By Scott Graham
A tattoo can be a permanent piece of artwork, or a symbol of something that you never want to forget. Many couples have each others names tattooed on themselves, or a certain date that is important.
This is a lifelong commitment that needs the same amount of thought put into it as any important decision. The safety aspect is vital, so ensure you follow these guidelines.
Although quite rare, some people are allergic to the inks that are used to create the tattoo. The first indication of this is a terrible itch and reddening in the area of the tattoo.
Infections and irritations can occur after getting a tattoo, and these can be serious. If the needles haven't been sterilized, diseases are passed from one person to another very easily.
If you think these tips are a waste of time, consider this. Are you really prepared to take the risk of contracting hepatitis, HIV or tetanus by just running off to some dirty tattoo parlor? No, I didn't think so.
Now that you know the risks; it's time to choose a tattoo parlor to create your tattoo. Make sure that they have a proper license and that they always wear gloves.
A good tattoo artist will use new, sterile needles for each customer, straight out of the packet. The other tools should also be sterilized and used needles disposed of immediately after use.
You can greatly reduce your risk of any infections or complications by implementing a post tattoo routine. After 24 hours, uncover the tattoo and clean it with plain soap and water. There are antibiotic creams and lotions you may want to apply to further reduce the risks.
Avoid direct exposure to the sun, moisturize the surrounding area and stick to clothing that is loose. It normally takes at least 14 days for a tattoo to heal. If you notice anything untoward, go straight to your doctor.
At the end of the day, a short time doing a bit of research will make getting your tattoo what it should be; an enjoyable experience.
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