Friday 10 September 2010

Tooth Tattoo Designs |Go Get Your Tooth Tattooed Now

By Kapil Todi
Bored of seeing your single color white teeth every day? Wanna give new look to your teeth?You could do some amazing stuff to your teeth. Go....Get them tattooed now. Apparently skin is not the only place that can be decorated with a tatto. You can decorate your tooth with amazing tatoos. Tooth tattoos and tooth jewels have become one of the hottest fashion trends, and a very popular new trend in cosmetic dentistry. Tooth Tattoos are a new trend in body art in which custom, hand-painted artwork is placed onto one's tooth.

The concept of decorating or enhancing your teeth is actually quite ancient. In both China and Japan, women at one point stained their teeth black as part of their beauty regimens, and in many cultures, teeth may be bordered in gold or replaced as a status symbol; gold teeth are especially common in Latin America and the Caucasus. It is therefore perhaps not surprising that modern dentistry gave rise to the idea of dental tattoos and today tooth tattoo has become style statements and more people are attracted to get their tooth tattooed.

How to get tooth tattoo
A custom design is added to dental crowns before the crowns are sealed and set in the mouth. This term is also sometimes used to describe temporary decals and stains which can be used to decorate the teeth.
Depending on where the crown will go, one can choose whether it will appear on the labial side (facing the lip and cheek) or lingual side (facing the tongue).

When visiting the dentist, they will make a mold of the teeth for the crown. Once the crown is produced, it can be sent to a tattoo artist.

The selected design is carved into the crown by the artist/technician. The tattoo is applied directly to the crown in the dental lab. This is then baked onto the crown to become a personalized embellishment.
At your next appointment, the crown can be fitted, and you will have a cool tattoo.

In case of normal tattoo, a pigment mark is made on the skin by piercing it. The skin is pierced with a needle or pointed machine. In case of tooth tattoo, the design is embossed on the crown and the crown is then fitted by the dentist.

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