Monday 27 September 2010

The Secret Of Why Men Love Wild, Crazy, Sensual Temporary Tattoos On Women

Every person is sexy and fashionable in his or her own way. One of the sexiest recent fashion trends is the temporary tattoo.
Sexy men say that adventurous women are sexy. Women who wear sexy temporary tattoos and change them to match their sensual mood is definitely adventurous.
Sexy women are embellishing their outfits or intimate lingerie with just the right temporary tattoo to achieve the perfect look. Any woman can be sexier, dramatic, daring, romantic or downright trampy with the right temporary tattoo...and it's temporary...just for a night or a few days. What a blast to be able to change your look with your mood!
Often it's not the tattoo that is so sexy, but rather where the woman wears the tattoo. Both men and women can put temporary tattoos in places where their lover will go wild when they find them.
Here are some of the sexiest places a woman can place her tattoo to drive her man wild:
The back of the neck The nape of the neck is one of the most alluring regions of the female's entire body. There's no denying the appeal & charm of this area.
The lower back The center of the lower back is an exceptional location to wear a tattoo. Men find tattoos in this area especially enticing.
The hips The hips are so sexy that it barely requires any explanation. Hips possess that unique feminine curve. This region is now even more popular for tattoos than the lower back.
The ankle The woman's ankle is a suggestive area that can make the curves of the leg looks exquisite with a pair of strappy sandals or heels.
Thigh The thigh is another very sexy area of a woman's body. Thigh tattoos have become more popular recently since designers started showing tattoo jewelry on this area during the Paris fashion shows.
The private Areas Another unconventional tattoo placement option that's appealing, fascinating and simple to tattoo is just under the bikini line. Any secret area that only shows during intimate occasions is a real turn-on. Both men and women can put their temporary tattoo in a place where their lover will go wild.
You can find a huge variety of sexy temporary tattoo designs at online shops. Many stores that carry apparel and accessories will also carry temporary tattoos. So try it very soon...your guy will absolutely love you for it!
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