A traditional example of a common tattoo design that has its roots in the primeval is the design of the Celtic knot. This specific design of multiple loops symbolizes the continual death and rebirth of life. The interlacing of the loops express the relation between heaven and earth and home and heart. You will find many interlacing loops in animal Gaelic tattoos as these loops are used as the head or limbs of the animal. The true .
For several individuals, their tattoos represent something from their past. If a traumatic or blissful event happened, many people choose body art as the best way to symbolize the occasion. To get a good Gaelic design for a tattoo you will need to find an artist that has a lot of knowledge and experience with Celtic art. It can be problematical to do these tattoos properly. Look for an artist with an large portfolio of pictures and expertise in your specific type of tattoo.
Band tattoos can be found on the arm, wedding band, ankle and around the wrist. These tattoos come from Gaelic tribes. Originally the tattoos were made using hot sticks and then blue dye was put over the wound. The original Gaelic bands were an amalgam of Christian and Gaelic beliefs and lore. As time progressed, the over-arching symbolism of numerous of these designs was replaced by the personal symbolism of the character bearing the tattoo.
The Gaelic heart ink has four different components; crosses, knots, step work and spirals. You do not have to have all 4 but most will have at least 2. Depending on the placement of the spirals and knots, the traditional symbolism of the ink can change. For example, spirals on the right traditionally symbolize heavenly objects, where spirals on the left traditionally symbolize the earth.
The claddagh body art is one of the ultimate symbols of love. This includes the crowned heart in the middle. This crowned heart is held by 2 hands. Besides love the hands can symbolize friendship and the crown can also stand for loyalty. Normally black, red and white colors are used for this tattoo.
Aside from Gaelic designs, butterfly and incredibly body art patterns are very common. Although these specific styles often lack the deep history of tribal and Gaelic art, they can be quite beautiful and obviously important to the wearer.
The tree of life tattoo is full of mystery and these are very popular. The tree of life has important significance both to the wearer and historically. The usual design represents the correlation between humans and god. This is often represented through the various branches of the tree. You can look at these connections in numerous different ways and each tattoo will mean something different based on the person.
Join us to find the tattoo designs that will truly speak to you and your own personal spirit. From Celtic design to dragons, butterflies and fairies. Choose the tattoo design that truly represents you.
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